PE Curriculum - Sport Science

We asked a few students for their feedback on our Sports Science lessons, here are their reports:

Sports science was a very enjoyable lesson this term. We learnt all about the components to what makes someone a better athlete. This included: diet, learning your limits when engaging in a specific sporting practice, how to treat injuries, the importance of a good night’s rest and how to take proper breaks so your body does not have to reach the point where it feels overwhelmed etc.

My favourite parts of this topic were when we ran endurance tests – by running around the netball courts in a different fashion each time – and when we were looking at specific examples of sports stars that use sports science in their everyday lives. I also particularly enjoyed the times where we were able to teach our peers our own favourite skills or sports that we may not normally have a chance to try at WHS. Overall, I found Sports Science very fascinating and I loved being able to enrich my knowledge on how to take proper care of myself and my body when participating in sporting activities.

I have really enjoyed the topic we have been studying of Sport Science, I find it interesting and because of what I have learnt I find myself utilizing these things in my own personal life. Not only this but I also find it has helped my contextualise things my coaches tell me and has given me a greater understanding of how the body works relating to sport. I particularly enjoyed the subtopic of rest, we learnt about, as-well as the first lesson, when we had a group discussion about Sport Science in general.

Thank you so much for this amazing topic, I have enjoyed it so much!

Eliza F and Isla T Year 8

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