
Our game started very well and our bowlers put in a strong performance with a total of 2 wickets by Darcey F-B and Anjolie A. We managed to keep wides and no balls limited as well as fielding very well and only letting in 3 fours.

We were confident going into the batting and scored a total of 5 fours by Emma S x2, Georgia T, Elodie U and Ciara Mc. We won with the score being 49-42 to us and our bowling playing of the match was Elodie U and our batting player of the match was Emma S.

Report by Elodie


We had a shaky start with a few runs hit in the beginning, however as the match progressed we started scoring more and some great 4s were hit by Aanya and Cara.

We were able to keep a consistent streak of runs throughout. The batting resulting in an overall of 39 runs. Though the bowling started off with a few no balls and wides, we managed to bring it back with 3 wickets bowled by Meena.

There were two run outs taken by Seva which was really good as well as some great fielding from Sophia. We had some great fielding and bowling throughout our innings.

Everyone tried their best and the spirits were kept up by both teams. We ended up having a close win of 4 runs.

Well done to Aanya and Meena for best batter and bowler and overall really well done to every done for excellent fielding.

Report by Meena

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