Name of Policy

Accessibility Policy

ISI Regulation

3. Welfare, health and safety of pupils
SMT linkSenior Leadership Team (SLT)

Date of school review

September 2024

Date of next school review

September 2025

The GDST acknowledge their overall responsibility in ensuring that this policy is effective in its implementation and meets all current regulatory requirements. An annual review of this policy and associated procedures and the efficiency with which associated duties have been discharged will be undertaken so that any deficiencies or weaknesses can be remedied without delay.

This policy should be read in conjunction with;


The Equality Act 2010 imposes duties on schools not to discriminate against, or treat less favourably, disabled pupils or prospective pupils in the provision of educational services. Wimbledon High School recognises its duties under the Equality Act 2010 and intends to adopt a positive approach to making the school more accessible in terms of admissions, the curriculum, both the taught and the wider curriculum, associated services, including after-school care and extra-curricular activities, behaviour and discipline policies and the estate and premises.

The Accessibility Plan is subject to a three yearly schedule of review and revision, with annual monitoring and review to assess provision for disabled pupils (including those with special educational needs) and progress in implementing the Plan. The Director of Finance & Operations through the Health and Safety Committee is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the Plan with specific responsibility for physical requirements. The Senior Deputy Head is responsible for the implementation of other aspects of the Plan, including the dissemination of information to staff.

Risk assessments and procedures are in place to include the assessment of the individual needs of disabled pupils, and a personal emergency evacuation plan is agreed with pupils and parents when deemed necessary/appropriate. Should a pupil with physical disabilities join the school; discussion with parents, therapists and medical professionals would be conducted to devise an appropriate risk assessment that would be implemented

The school has adopted this strategy as a constructive approach to ensure that it does all that is reasonably practical to enable disabled pupils and prospective pupils full access to the educational services it provides.

This Strategy covers the following areas:-

Access considerations in our Admissions policy.

Improvements in access to the curriculum.

Improvements in the delivery of information to disabled pupils.

Physical improvements to increase access to education and associated services.


The GDST is committed to equal opportunities in education. Admissions to GDST schools will adhere to the GDST’s Equal Opportunities Policy

All examinations are set in English and are designed to be culturally neutral or accessible to applicants from different cultures. We aim to give girls from all educational backgrounds and experiences the chance to shine in the assessment process. At 11+ we use assessed group tasks, alongside written assessment tasks, to help us maximize access to all pupils regardless of their school experience to date.

If the candidate has a specific learning difficulty (certified by an Educational Psychologist) and meets the JCQ requirements for the award of extra time in public exams, she will be allowed the appropriate amount of extra time in her written entrance tests. Other adjustments will also be made as per their Educational Psychologist Report recommendations.

The written papers determine those who qualify for entry at all entry points, except for 4+. The ethnic background of applicants (those who accept places) is recorded for monitoring purposes. Our aim is to, where possible, have a school which reflects the diversity of our local area. To encourage more applications from families of Afro-Caribbean heritage, WHS has since 2021 held an annual Diversity and Inclusion Admissions Evening, an open forum for discussion and where families can be reassured about the school's intentions to try and improve diversity.

In terms of economic diversity and accessibility, the GDST is committed to:

  • Broadening access to the brightest but most financially disadvantaged girls
  • Giving Heads flexibility in the allocation of scholarships and financial assistance

The GDST offers bursaries to provide a life-changing opportunity for bright but financially disadvantaged girls who would otherwise never have a chance of receiving an independent education. 

WHS provides appropriate support to girls in receipt of bursaries of 95% or more, e.g. incidental expenses including lunches, uniforms, curriculum trips and travel to and from school.

We will ensure that our admissions procedures, do not place disabled pupils at a substantial disadvantage (the reasonable adjustment duty) in matters of admission

Curriculum Access

Teachers will take specific action to enable the effective participation of pupils with disabilities by:

  • planning appropriate amounts of time to allow for satisfactory completion of tasks
  • planning opportunities, when necessary, for the development of skills in practical aspects of the curriculum
  • Identifying aspects of their programmes of study and attainment targets that may present specific difficulties for individuals.
  • For any students with an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP), WHS follow the guidance given and ensure needs are met by making appropriate adjustments

Curriculum access is addressed on a case by case basis. The school encourages the parents of those for whom special curricular access arrangements may be necessary to visit the school at the earliest opportunity to discuss how the prospective pupil's needs may best be met, both during the application process and also after admission. It is also the case that school is aware of occasional access needs or restrictions on movement. This is provided for by an assessment of need by the school nurse then lesson locations and facilities access are adjusted accordingly. This discussion leads to an evaluation based around the following headings:

Improving the delivery of information, taking account of students’ disabilities, and any preferences made by them or their parents


Wimbledon High School will ensure that reasonable adjustments are made to working conditions for disabled pupils and staff and to the curriculum for disabled pupils. The duty is an anticipatory and continuing one that is owed to disabled pupils generally regardless of whether there are any disabled pupils currently at the school. The checklist below seeks to plan ahead for any reasonable adjustments that may need to be made in the future. It seeks to address the reasonable and proportionate barriers that may impede pupils with different kinds of disabilities.

In addition the school will ensure that discrimination does not occur and that disabled people will not be placed at substantial disadvantage compared to others who are not disabled. The School will work with Trust Office to audit the school for facilities and access for disabled staff and pupils. Access to the premises is addressed on an individual basis. The school encourages the parents of those for whom special access arrangements may be necessary to visit the school at the earliest opportunity to discuss how the prospective pupil’s needs may best be met, both during the application process and also after admission. An individual risk assessment is created alongside a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan where required both of which are discussed with the pupil's parents and the pupil.

Access to the premises by the general public is encompassed by the Evans Jones Access Audit and associated accessibility audit action plan.

The Access Plan for Wimbledon High School has been carefully considered as part of the school’s on-going Masterplan, with the first stage, our STEAM Tower, completed in September 2020, followed by new dining facilities in February 2021 and then  the second phase, encompassing a new 6th form Centre and Auditorium,completed in September 2022. Accessibility has been built into all designs to ensure that these buildings can be used by all stakeholders.

As at September 2023 - we have achieved full access in STEAM Tower, all Science Labs, Hastings Dining, 6th Form Centre, Auditorium, Piper House, Rutherford Theatre and the Junior School.

Disabled toilet facilities are available in the new 6th Form Centre (accessible from the Auditorium), STEAM Tower, Hastings Dining, Rutherford Theatre, Sports Hall and the Junior School.

Additional work is required to improve the accessibility of the main Senior Building and also Littlewood House (previously old Sixth Form House)

Individual pupils have a Personal Emergency and Evacuation Plan (PEEP) as required and these are stored on CPOMS and are subject to regular review.

Physical Environment Accessibility Plan

 BuildingAccessibility Sept 20223 Year Plan from September 2023
6th Form Centre & AuditoriumFully accessible
STEAM Tower & all Science labsFully accessible
Rutherford TheatreFully accessible
Hastings DiningFully accessible
Senior SchoolLower ground floor music department and locker rooms accessible.
Investigate stair lift / ramp from both Chemistry and Biology corridors. 
Would make senior hall and surrounding classrooms on ground and first floors accessible
Junior School Fully accessible
Lewis HouseFully acessible
Piper House classrooms including Senior LibraryFully accessible
Littlewood HouseInaccessibleInvestigate stairlift for both external and internal stairs.
Sports HallFully accessible
Swimming PoolFully accessible
Nursery RoadGround floor access / no access to first floor changing area.No action as facilities are mirrored on ground and first floors


We will ensure that our policies do not place disabled pupils at a substantial disadvantage (the reasonable adjustment duty) in matters of  education. The school will ensure that families for whom English is an additional language have access to materials about Wimbledon High School and the curriculum translated into their languages, where appropriate and where feasible within practical and budgetary constraints. Students have equal access to all programmes of study and extra-curricular activities. Constraints of time and space may make some restriction in choice of optional activities inevitable but efforts will be made to prevent this.

Behaviour and discipline:

The school sets out in its Behaviour Policy and Code of Conduct the expectation that students respect differences between people. Sensitivity and respect is fostered and reinforced between staff and students and amongst students, through our general ethos, and in our  Civil Discourse programme. The school acts promptly to investigate and if necessary act on any claims of discrimination

Roles and Responsibilities

The general duties of the school in relation to equal opportunities are the responsibility of all members of staff and people involved in working at the school. Specific responsibilities include:

  • Head
    • Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the Policy with regard to employment and admissions
    • Should the need arise developing and monitoring of Action Plan arising out of the Policy
    • In preparing an accessibility plan, work in conjunction with the GDST to allocate adequate resources for implementing the plan
  • Deputy Head Pastoral
    • Ensuring that training in equal opportunities work is available to all members of staff
  • Designated person for co-ordinating the school response to and reporting onwards to Trust Office any reported incidents of discrimination.

The following policies / documents support Wimbledon High School in its development of an Accessibility Strategy:

Equal Opportunities Policy, Neurodiversity (SEND) Policy, Anti-Bullying Policy; Admissions Policy

To be reviewed annually by the Senior Leadership Team