Name of Policy

Fire Safety and Fire Risk Management & Prevention Policy

ISI RegulationH3: Welfare, Health and Safety of Pupils

Reviewed by

Kathryn Jones


September 2024

Date of next Review

September 2025

This policy applies to Junior School, Senior School and EYFS

Wimbledon High School is committed to the GDST Fire Safety/Fire Risk Management Policy

This policy applies to all GDST schools and all phases: Senior, Junior and EYFS​.

It is the policy of the GDST to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the protection of people, GDST property and the environment from the effects of fire. The GDST is also committed to complying with the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and the guidance contained within HM Government’s series of Fire Risk Assessment Guides notably ‘Educational Premises’ and ‘Sleeping Accommodation’.

The GDST recognises its duties to users of and visitors to its premises under the requirements of the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and will, in accordance with the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations (amended) 1999, and the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, ensure suitable and sufficient fire risk assessments of all its premises are undertaken and reviewed regularly in the light of any changes, or fire related incidents, that occur in the school.

Through risk assessment and construction design, suitable fire precautions will be built-in to GDST premises following a fire engineering approach. In undertaking any new construction or significant alterations to premises the GDST will ensure that fire precautions and arrangements for fire service access are designed, constructed and installed in accordance with current Building Regulations.

In order to minimise the risk of fire starting, spreading and disrupting normal school activities, and to safeguard staff, pupils, visitors and contractors from injury or death in the event of fire, each school and Trust Office will maintain high standards of fire safety by:

  • Regularly maintaining, inspecting, testing, checking all passive and active fire precautions, e.g. fire compartmentation, escape routes, alarm systems, emergency lighting, emergency fire-fighting equipment and where necessary, making repairs and replacements;

  • Appointing Competent Persons and Key Duty Holders and providing staff, pupils, visitors and contractors with appropriate fire safety information, instruction, training and practice emergency evacuations;

  • Acting promptly on any fire safety recommendations made by the Fire and Rescue Service, external Fire Risk Assessors or H&S Auditors and GDST Advisers and Surveyors.

Each school and Trust Office should document and implement its own 'Fire Safety/Fire Risk Management Policy and Procedures' which reflects the GDST policy and guidance, and their own local circumstances.


This policy reflects the commitment to Health & Safety by Wimbledon High School. All reasonably practicable steps will be taken to secure the health, safety & welfare of everyone legally on school premises.

The GDST & Wimbledon High School recognise their duties to users of and visitors to its premises under the requirements of the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and will, in accordance with the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations (amended) 1999, and the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, ensure suitable and sufficient fire risk assessments of all its premises are undertaken and kept under review


Wimbledon High School recognises that fire can have a devastating effect on life as well as the School’s business and activities. The risk of fire and its consequences will be reduced if this policy and its supporting procedures are followed. 


It is the policy of the School, so far as reasonably practicable, to:

  • Safeguard all persons on the School premises from death or injury in the event of fire.
  • Minimise the risk of fire and limit the spread of fire if it occurs.
  • Minimise the potential for fire to disrupt teaching and routine School business, destroy unique materials, damage buildings and equipment and harm the environment.
  • Comply with the requirements of legislation relating to fire and fire safety.
In particular, the School will ensure that:
  • All premises are subjected to a fire risk assessment and, where risks are identified, (including risks from dangerous substances) action is taken to implement appropriate control measures and remove the risk or reduce it as far as is reasonably practicable.
  • All fire risk assessments will be regularly reviewed, especially in light of alterations to buildings or changes in building use.
  • Measures are taken to protect buildings, installations and equipment from fire commensurate with the risks to life and appropriate to the value of teaching, research of commercial importance of assets. This includes (but is not limited to) the provision of means of escape, adequate emergency lighting, means of giving warning and of fire-fighting.
  • Risks from dangerous substances are eliminated or reduced by Fire Risk Assessment and following applicable Golden Rules of Fire Safety (also see below). Each department and particularly those designated as high risk (Science, PE, DT, Art, Cleaning & Maintenance ) ensures that hazardous substances are stored, used and disposed of safely. These hazardous substances include mains gas, gas cylinders, petrol/fuel, chemicals and all highly flammable materials.
  • There is a procedure for the checking and/or maintenance, by a competent person, of clear emergency routes and exits (usually open in the direction of escape), signs, notices, emergency lighting, fire alarms, detectors and extinguishers. Checks are carried out using daily buildings fire safety checklists and regular routine external inspections 
  • All new buildings and refurbishments are designed, specified and constructed in accordance with all relevant fire safety legislation.
  • Maintenance of buildings is designed, specified and carried out in accordance with all relevant fire safety legislation.
  • Effective management procedures are in place to respond to any fire or emergency and to deal with the aftermath, including contacting the emergency services when necessary. Fire procedures and plans are regularly reviewed and updated and any changes are circulated to all staff and relevant stakeholders.
  • Competent persons are appointed (with sufficient training, experience and knowledge) to assist in taking preventative and protective measures (including fire fighting and evacuation).
  • Appropriate training & instruction is given to all persons on Wimbledon High School premises in relation to fire safety and appropriate fire training is given to designated staff who have an active role in the implementation of fire precautions and emergency situations.
  • Staff, pupils and visitors are provided with fire safety information.

All staff and girls must:

  • Co-operate with managers and supervisors, and those with fire safety responsibilities.
  • Ensure they know what to do in the event of fire, leave equipment in a safe condition, and be familiar with escape routes from their work location.
  • Consider the risk of fire from their activities and reduce or control that risk.
  • Not interfere with or abuse any equipment provided for fire safety.
  • Check during the weekly alarm tests whether the fire alarm is audible in their areas of work and report any deficiencies.
  • Disabled girls or staff members are to be familiar with their personal emergency evacuation plan and take responsibility for keeping it up-to-date.
  • Some key members of staff are trained in basic fire safety including the use of fire extinguishers and fire blankets.
  • Fire drills re-enforce all training given. Fire Drills are arranged by the Director of Finance & Operations and take place at least once a term. Records are retained in the Fire Log Book in the Senior Reception.
  • From time to time the Trust will provide Health & Safety Training for key duty holders which will include Health & Safety Management for Health & Safety Coordinators (incorporating fire risk management) and ‘Train the Trainer’ training for suitable persons.

Internal Monitoring

Fire safety arrangements and systems across the School will be subject to regular monitoring. This will be done through fire risk assessment and general inspections of buildings by the Director of Finance and Operations, Estates Manager and the GDST H&S Advisor as well as through formal audit and monitoring processes. Appropriate records will be kept.

Fire safety training and fire drills

Line managers will ensure that all staff and any long term 'visitors' are thoroughly trained in fire safety procedures, including evacuation procedure and plans at their induction or on INSET days. Visitors are advised of the fire safety procedures, which are printed on the reverse of visitor badges.

During the working day the Estates Team take responsibility for calling the Emergency Services. Out of hours the alarm is linked directly to the Fire Service.

Fire drills will be unannounced and take place at least termly. In addition the school will undertake a fire evacuation walk through at the beginning of each academic year.

Fire and Evacuation Procedure

Contractors will be given an evacuation briefing on the first day on site and asked to ensure that their Site Manager/Foreman communicates this procedure at each ‘Toolbox’ talk to sub-contractors.

In addition, Contractors will be advised on sharing on information, control of hot works, management of waste, maintenance of fire exit routes and access for emergency services.

Training - All staff will be given regular (annual) refresher training on INSET days. Pupils will be reminded of the actions to take in the event of an emergency during practice fire evacuation drills.

Consequences of Non-Compliance 

Non-compliance with the Fire Risk Policy will be viewed as a serious matter and ground for action under the School’s disciplinary procedures.

Review and Update Arrangements

This policy will be reviewed annually by the Director of Finance and Operations and revised or updated as necessary.

GDST Fire Safety & Fire Risk Management Policy