Name of Policy
Risk/Hazard Assessment
ISI Regulation
3: Welfare, health and safety of pupils
Reviewed by
Kathryn Jones
September 2024
Date of next review
September 2025

This policy applies to Junior School, Senior School and EYFS


This policy reflects the commitment to Health & Safety by Wimbledon High School. All reasonably practicable steps will be taken to secure and safeguard the health, safety & welfare of everyone legally on school premises, including pupils. The Head and Senior Leadership Team at Wimbledon High School will take appropriate action to reduce risks identified during assessment.

Systematic risk assessment is completed in the following areas;

  • Health and safety including premises and equipment, building integrity and related activities and security
  • Pupil welfare including medical needs, supervision and school trips
  • Recruitment for example late DBS checks
  • Safeguarding related matters eg Prevent, bullying, peer abuse, allegations
  • Lessons, activities and sport

Who should complete the Risk Assessment and When

Risk Assessments are completed using a standard template before any of the  above take place and by the person responsible for the activity.  


Completed risk assessments are authorised by a line manager, Educational Visits Coordinator or member of the School Management Team. This approval includes checking of actions required, feedback to the originator of any amendments or changes required prior to approval and guidance on implementation.


Staff receive Risk Assessment training on an annual basis during staff study days and at induction briefings. Key staff are provided with additional training throughout the year that includes specialist courses and e-learning modules.

Monitoring and Evaluating Effectiveness

The School Management Team monitors effectiveness of risk assessments by

  • Annual review or sooner if the risk changes or the activity is altered.
  • Revising individual risk assessments or the overall process in the light of any incidents that arise.
  • Approving all Risk Assessments or delegating this responsibility to a Head of Department e.g. for class based activities
  • Reviewing selected risk assessments with the GDST H&S Adviser
  • Checking that actions from risk assessments have been implemented during site walks and observations.

Wimbledon High School adheres to the GDST Risk Assessment Policy

Risk Assessment Policy Statement (05/19)

The GDST recognises that Risk Assessment is one of the keystones of good health and safety management; it can make a significant contribution to promoting welfare and reducing health and safety risks to employees, pupils, visitors and others who may be affected by the way in which the school operates

All GDST schools, academies and Trust Office must complete comprehensive risk assessments for all potentially hazardous activities, environments and situations, using the ‘five steps to risk assessment’ approach’ (described in detail in the following guidance), regularly review them, and implement the controls necessary to reduce the risks to an acceptable level following the principles of prevention: eliminate the hazard at source, reduce the hazard, prevent contact with the hazard, implement safe systems of work, employ personal protective equipment.

All GDST schools, academies and Trust Office will provide training and comprehensive guidance to employees on how to complete risk assessments. It is important that staff know how to identify risks and the importance of implementing reasonably practicable controls, so that risks are managed at an acceptable level.

For more detailed procedures please refer to;

GDST Risk Management Policy