Behaviour Policy (including EYFS)

Name of Policy

Behaviour Policy
ISI Regulation
3: Welfare, Health and Safety of Pupils P04 Moral understanding and responsibility

Reviewed by

GDST Council / Head/Senior Deputy Head
SMT LinkSenior Deputy Head

Date of school review

September 2023

Date of next school review

September 2024

The GDST acknowledge their overall responsibility in ensuring that this policy is effective in its implementation and meets all current regulatory requirements. An annual review of this policy and associated procedures and the efficiency with which associated duties have been discharged will be undertaken so that any deficiencies or weaknesses can be remedied without delay. 

This policy responds to the Independent Schools Standard Regulations 2014 which includes the requirement that all schools must have a behaviour policy which must be available to all parents and prospective parents. It also responds to the DfE Behaviour in Schools 2022 guidance. 

The school also acknowledges its duties under the Equality Act 2010 in respect of safeguarding and in respect of pupils with SEN and disabilities. 

This applies to Senior School. For  Junior School and EYFS click here.

Stepping in: we aim for every girl to feel known, supported, confident and able to shine at Wimbledon High.
Striding out: we aim for every girl to leave us prepared to shape the society in which she lives and works.

To be read in conjunction with the 'WHS Code of Conduct - Staff and Students' and the 'GDST Safeguarding Procedures' document (Section A3: Code of Conduct, Promoting Safe Practice) and the Exclusion policy

Effective education can only take place in a calm, safe and supportive environment which children and young people want to attend and where they can learn and thrive. The school plays a critical role in this process through its curriculum, pastoral and behaviour policies, which have a significant impact upon the learning and personal development of all children and young people.

The Senior Deputy Head takes lead responsibility for the implementation of the Behaviour Policy in the Senior School and the Head of Junior School takes lead responsibility in the Junior School, and is responsible for EYFS.

According to its duties under the Equality Act 2010, the School makes reasonable adjustments to the parameters laid out in its Behaviour Policy for pupils with SEND requirements. Tracking a pupil’s pattern of behaviour – for example, large numbers of behaviour points for disorganisation – may also assist the School in identifying an Additional Learning Need in a pupil or child. Staff are regularly trained in supporting neurodivergent children and young people, for example through autism training. Equally, it will not be assumed that because a pupil has SEND it must have affected their behaviour on a particular occasion. Judgments will be made with reference to the Equality Act 2010. 

The principles on which this Behaviour Policy is based are:

All pupils/children are entitled to:

  • a broad and balanced curriculum which is differentiated according to age, aptitude and ability
  • experiences and pastoral support which promote positive social and personal development
  • a school experience which is free from bullying and disruption
  • a school environment which upholds the rule of law

The school is responsible for responding to the needs of the community it serves and for developing effective policies and guidelines. The Leadership Team are responsible for being highly visible, regularly engaging with pupils, parents and staff on setting and maintaining the behaviour culture and an environment where everyone feels safe and supported. 

Early intervention will increase the likelihood of problems being quickly and effectively resolved.

Some pupils/children will go through periods in school when they will need particular support or encouragement; the majority of these difficulties will be short-lived and will respond to normal in-school procedures. We also understand that transition points (Y6-7, any occasional vacancy starter and Y11-12 in particular) can be difficult for pupils and look to support them through these phases in particular, including appointing a Head of Transition. 

Some pupils/children may need specialist support, including from other agencies to help deal with:

  • emotional and/ or relationship difficulties which can prevent effective learning and may require support from other agencies such as counsellors
  • dissatisfaction and/ or disruptive behaviour which can interfere with educational achievement and progress of classmates;
  • other issues requiring support from external agencies such as speech therapists, occupational therapists and so on.

The WHS Behaviour Policy acknowledges three distinct aspects of behaviour:




There are 5 criteria related to each aspect:

Learning behaviour

The student:

  • Is attentive and has an interest in schoolwork.
  • Has good learning organisation and acts with academic integrity. 
  • Is an effective communicator.
  • Works efficiently in a group.
  • Seeks help where necessary.

Conduct behaviour

The student:

  • Behaves respectfully towards staff.
  • Shows respect to other pupils/children.
  • Only interrupts and seeks attention appropriately.
  • Is physically peaceable.
  • Respects property and environment.

Emotional behaviour

Emotional stability varies according to age and mental health, but generally we would expect to see that

the student:

  • Has empathy.
  • Is socially aware.
  • Is emotionally stable and shows good self-control.

WHS acknowledges the need to take a positive approach to pupils'/children's behaviour and their emotional and behavioural development.

The Positive Behaviour Strategy system (implemented Sept 2015) is followed and inputted by all teachers in every lesson, and girls and parents are able to track a girl’s points every day [See Appendix D].

The school's Behaviour Policy addresses the following:

· Shared routines in teaching and learning

· Celebrations of achievement

· Rewards and sanctions

· Bullying

  • Child on child abuse

· Child protection

· Equality of opportunity

· Sexual and racial harassment

· School trips and visits

Drugs, alcohol and tobacco (and other banned items)

a) Shared routines in teaching and learning

Staff and Pupils/children should work together to promote an ordered environment to enable effective teaching and learning to take place. [See Appendix A]

b) Celebrating achievement

All Pupils/children will receive appropriate commendation and rewards for achieving against their own personal targets in learning and behaviour.

Good work and behaviour in classrooms and around the school will be rewarded with  praise [verbal and written] and encouragement.  Written accolades may be sent home via Grow postcards or from the Head or pastoral team. Exceptional work will receive public recognition in assemblies. [See Appendices A & D]

c) Sanctions and referral procedures

Any student displaying inappropriate behaviour should be addressed and sanctions may be imposed in order for them to recognise this and make amends. Every effort will be made to resolve issues verbally and by reasoning in the first instance. Inviting pupils to empathise and understand why their behaviour is unacceptable should always be the starting point and any sanctions applied should be appropriate and applied with the aim of developing learning.

A list of sanctions can be found in Appendix B. Any serious sanction is recorded in the Serious Sanctions register and signed off by the Head and the Senior Deputy Head each half term. The sanction register is brought termly to SMT for review and reflection.

All paid members of staff may apply sanctions that are fair, reasonable and does not breach any other legislation. Staff applying sanctions will consider whether it is appropriate in the circumstances of the case and consider any special circumstances relevant to its imposition.

The headteacher may limit the power to apply particular sanctions, or to sanction particular pupils or types of pupils, to certain staff and/or extend the power to discipline to adult volunteers, for example to parents who have volunteered to help on a school trip.

No form of corporal punishment, nor the threat thereof, is permissible at WHS or at any event involving WHS children, whether or not within the school premises. Corporal punishment by school staff is illegal in all circumstances. Physical intervention may be appropriate in exceptional circumstances, to avert an immediate danger of personal injury to, or an immediate danger to the property of, a person, including the child - the GDST Safeguarding Procedures document gives further detail. Reasonable force is outlined therein. 

Corporal punishment is defined as;

Any degree of physical contact which is deliberately intended to cause pain, injury or humiliation”

[See Appendix B]

d) Bullying (refer to Anti-Bullying Policy)

The school believes in equal opportunities; all members of the community are of equal worth and should be treated respectfully and have rights and responsibilities towards each other. This includes any member of staff and action will be taken in a circumstance of malicious accusation or conduct by a pupil against a member of staff. Anyone known to be involved in bullying will be dealt with promptly. Bullying will not be ignored and Pupils/children will be encouraged to share their concerns.

The school works to prevent bullying by including anti-bullying material, rights and responsibilities and disabilities as part of the GROW (PSHE) programme.

Staff have a responsibility to treat each other and students/children, with respect and model good behaviour. Staff will be regularly trained in all aspects of helping to establish and maintain a positive, thriving school community. 

e) Child-on-child abuse

The school has a zero-tolerance approach to child-on-child abuse, and all reports will be promptly and thoroughly investigated, recorded and treated according to their gravity. Abuse that occurs online or outside the school will be treated as seriously as an incident occurring in school. Further detail can be found in the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Safeguarding Procedures.

For acts of aggression or behaviour which potentially threatens the health and safety of others, the school reserves the right to involve the police.

The school recognises that some children may adopt challenging, abusive or disruptive behavior as a result of unmet needs or abuse. In such cases staff will provide support and intervention and apply safeguarding procedures as appropriate.

f) Child Protection (refer to Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy)

All members of the school community will be kept safe through effective procedures for child and adult protection.

Disclosures of a Child Protection nature must be passed to the Senior Deputy Head, the designated safeguarding lead.

g) Equality of Opportunity

The school believes in equal opportunities for all.

h) Racial / Sexual Harassment

Racial or sexual harassment will not be tolerated.

i) School Trips and Visits

All school trips / visits must be officially approved by the Head (via the EVC) and follow the guidelines set out in the relevant policy document.

Pupils/children and parents should be aware of expectations and should sign a Code of Conduct when appropriate [See Appendix D]

j) Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco (including vapes) and all banned items

All pupils of Wimbledon High School are expected to abide by the law of the land at all times. They should also be aware that whilst either on site or in the locale of the school, they are representatives of the school and thus should behave as ambassadors. We expect them to uphold the reputation of the school at all times. Any pupil in possession of an illegal substance will face exclusion.

Wimbledon High School is a no smoking and vaping site and girls found to be smoking or vaping, in the company of smokers or vapers or in possession of smoking or vaping paraphernalia whilst on the school site (or at Nursery Road) will face sanctions and possible suspension, with exclusion becoming a possibility after two such incidents. Any pupil found smoking inside a building at Wimbledon High School is endangering the lives of others and may face immediate exclusion; any pupil found vaping on the school site is indulging in a harmful and illegal activity and may face the same.

Any searching, screening or confiscation measures will follow the DfE guidance here and should never be entered into without the express knowledge and permission of the Head. 

If a student is thought to be in possession of illegal substances and/or banned items listed here

  • Knives and weapons
  • Alcohol
  • Illegal drugs
  • Stolen items
  • Tobacco, cigarette papers & vaping equipment
  • Fireworks
  • Pornographic images
  • Any article a member of staff reasonably suspects has been, or is likely to be used to commit and offence or to cause personal injury to, or damage to the property of, any other pupil or person

staff should:

  • attempt to confiscate the substance in the presence of another member of staff
  • ensure that any search is conducted by the student herself
  • record the time, place and circumstances of the discovery and the approximate size and appearance of the substance
  • immediately inform the Head and ensure the student is escorted to the Head’s P.A.’s office.

If another student alleges that a student has drugs in her possession:

  • The member of staff should immediately inform the Head/Senior Deputy Head
  • the Head/Senior Deputy Head) and the student’s Head of Year/Tutor should supervise a search of the student’s locker and possessions, with the student present.

If staff suspect a student is taking drugs off the school premises or a student confesses to taking drugs off the premises:

  • Advise the relevant Head of Year who should inform the Head and Senior Deputy Head
  • do not promise confidentiality
  • do not pass judgements

Recording and reflecting behaviour

The School prioritises reflecting on the efficacy of its behaviour policy as well as recording and reflecting on individual pupils’/childrens’ behaviour in order to spot patterns for that child and for the School as a whole.

This is carried out in a number of ways:

  • through the tracking and monitoring of data provided through the PBS system and CPOMs for individual pupils/children and form groups as a whole
  • through regular reflection by Heads of Year in HoY meetings and individual meetings with the Senior Deputy Head and Assistant Head Pastoral, in which behaviour patterns are reviewed to assess pastoral need.
  • through half-termly reflection at SMT of the serious pastoral incidents log, anti-bullying log and serious sanctions log.
  • through termly reports to the governors.

Staff Support & Development

Staff are supported in their implementation of the Behaviour Policy through the guidance and leadership of the Deputy Head Pastoral and other leadership staff, the pastoral team and periodic staff training. 

Malicious Accusations against Staff

The School recognises that there may be occasions when a pupil justifiably needs to raise issues about the actions of a member of staff, and has procedures for dealing with such concerns. However, where the allegation is clearly one of malicious intent or fabrication, the school will give due regard to the most appropriate disciplinary sanction to be taken which may include temporary or permanent exclusion, as well as referral to the police if there are grounds for believing a criminal offence may have been committed. The school will also take seriously inappropriate use of technologies including mobile and social networking sites which are targeted at members of staff.

Partnership with Parents

The school believes strongly in the power of working in close co-operation with parents and of the rights and desirability of parents being actively involved in the education of their child. The school will therefore seek to involve parents/guardians actively on behaviour issues. Approaches will include:

  • Phone calls
  • meetings
  • early involvement
  • letters
  • supporting pupils on report
  • pupil academic planners which allow for two way communication
  • invitations to agency meetings
  • follow up & routine communication

    Parents will be informed of any behavioural incidents that breach the terms of this policy or require sanction within one day or as soon as practicable. Parents/Guardians are welcome to approach the school for informal or formal discussions about their daughter's education. 

Junior school rewards

We recognise and celebrate achievement for academic effort and exemplary behaviour in the following ways:

  • Verbal praise, encouragement and general pupil appreciation.
  • Sharing of work with the Head of Juniors or another member of JLT
  • "This is Me" Characters presented in  Celebration Assemblies
  • Merit Mark may be awarded (Y1‐Y6)
  • Merit mark certificates for 20 merits (Year 3 and 4) in celebration assembly
  • Merit mark badges for 20 merits (bronze), 40 merits (silver), 60 merits (gold) in Year 5 and 6
  • Congratulations postcard sent to parents

In EYFS rewards may take the form of verbal praise, awarding stickers or stamps in books as well as moving up to the "Shooting Star".

Junior school sanctions

Should social or academic behaviour break down there is a system of sanctions in place:

  • Appropriate admonition by the teacher would be used, followed by a talk with parents at the end of the day or by phone as appropriate.
  • Period of missed play at lunch time supervised by a member of JLT (pupil’s name and offence is written into the Missed Play book)
  • Should three significant entries inside one half term occur for the same pupil in the Missed Play book, then the Head of Juniors will contact the parents, after speaking to the girl.
  • In EYFS inappropriate behaviour would lead to a talk with the class teacher, a movement onto the "Cloud", a short period of ‘time out’ to calm the situation followed by a talk with the teacher. For on-going issues, we seek to modify behaviour through a ‘behaviour modification’ chart.


Rewards include:

  • Verbal praise by teacher.
  • Positive Behaviour points
  • GROW postcards home
  • Progress report postcards home
  • Certificates in assembly 
  • Prizes, trophies
  • Whole school presentations
  • Public recognition, including displays of work.
  • Press involvement
  • Recognition of talents through team membership, productions, concerts etc
  • Giving responsibilities within form, School Council representative etc.
  • Whole house/form rewards such as outings to theme parks
  • Star of the Fortnight celebrations with the Head
  • Speech Day awards for behaviour and attitude

In Junior School:

  • Effort badges
  • Wonderful wall work
  • Star of the week (EYFS)
  • 'This is Me' disposition certificates
  • Merit marks, merit certificates and merit badges
  • Congratulations postcard


Sanctions include:

  • ·Appropriate verbal reprimand and discussion
  • Behaviour point
  • Report to Form Tutor with follow-up meeting
  • Report to HoY with follow-up meeting
  • Communication with parent (either by email, phonecall or personal meeting)
  • Detentions  (or in the Junior School: 'missed play')
    Senior school teachers may award detentions in liaison with Head of Year, including same-day detentions, though these should be avoided wherever possible.
    Detentions will be held on days when school would be taking place, never in the holidays.
    Detentions may be at lunchtime (leaving ample time for a pupil to eat, drink and use the toilet) or after school.
    Serious misdemeanours may lead to a Saturday morning detention
    They will not be applied the weekend before or following the half term break.
    Detentions will not be issued where there is any reasonable concern that doing so would compromise a pupil's safety.

    Detentions for more minor infractions take place on a Friday after school with the pastoral team
    Detentions for more serious infractions take place on a Friday after school with the Head
  • Removal from the group/class
    This should be deemed a serious sanction and only used when necessary, and other behavioural strategies in the classroom have been attempted. Parents will be informed on the same day. Alternative but equally effective learning opportunities will be provided to the pupil. Removal will occur only to maintain the safety of all pupils and restore stability following an unreasonably high level of disruption; or to enable disruptive pupils to be taken to a place where education can be continued in a managed environment; or to allow the pupil to regain calm in a safe space. The period of time of a removal should be kept to a minimum and never longer than one period, without further support and guidance being offered to the pupil as required. 
    The Head will maintain oversight of all and any removals and the school will collect, monitor and analyse removal data to help shape policy. 
  • Meeting with the the Head
  • Internal exclusion
  • Suspension
  • Fixed term or permanent Exclusion. (See the WHS Exclusion Policy)


Visit to: __________________________________________________________________


I will:

  • · Always listen to and obey instructions from members of staff
  • · Behave in a courteous and respectful manner
  • · Be on time for activities, meals etc and return by the times given
  • · Get up promptly in the morning and settle down after lights out at night
  • · Look after my possessions carefully and keep them tidy
  • · Share the chores each day, if necessary
  • · Always stay with my group on activity sessions and never go off alone
  • · Never drop litter in the hotel, centre or the countryside and observe all aspects of the Country Code
  • · Deposit any money with a designated member of staff and withdraw it at the time arranged

I will not:

  • · Behave in such a way as to endanger myself or others
  • · Drink or buy alcohol
  • · Carry a knife of any sort
  • · Smoke or take drugs, or have them in my possession
  • · Buy/carry explosive material or anything which could cause a fire

I (name in capitals) ____________________________________ of (form) ______________

Understand and accept the Code of Behaviour for Wimbledon High School visits.

Signed _______________________________________________ Date _________________

I have discussed the Code of Conduct with my daughter/ward. I understand that if the Head has reason to think that she will not observe the Code of Conduct, she will not be allowed to participate in the visit; in which case, I will be liable for any cancellation costs incurred. I also understand that if she does not observe the Code, she may be returned home at my expense.

Signed ________________________________________________ Date ________________

Name of Parent/Guardian _____________________________________________________

Appendix D

Positive Behaviour Strategy

This is a system that will allow us to effectively track pupils’ behaviour, both positive and negative, which will allow us to develop a holistic picture of each pupil. This will enable both pastoral teams and departments to intervene, and have informed conversations with both pupils and parents. The system will also allow WHS to encourage the positive behaviour in girl that we see aligned to the school’s core values.