Senior School Uniform

Name of Policy

Senior School Uniform

Reviewed by

Senior Deputy Head / Assistant Head, Head of Sixth Form


 September 2023

Date of next Review

September 2024

Wimbledon High School expects Senior School students to take a pride in their appearance, as befits a professional environment. The School also believes that a young person in our community may take steps to change how they dress or the uniform they wear to reflect their self-identified gender, cultural or religious background.

The School also believes in the balance between individual identity and the support and safety found in uniformity: to ensure choices of appearance surround individual needs, rather than reflecting extrinsic motive. It, accordingly, asks Senior School girls to adhere to the Uniform Policy as shown below, and will pick up any extremes of appearance that are deemed to be out of sync with the community’s values. Heads of Year and Tutors will lead on ensuring all students look smart and follow the Uniform Policy.

The full list of Senior School Uniform is linked 

Senior School Uniform

Skirts & Trousers:

Students may wear trousers or a skirt to school (as sold by our uniform provider SchoolBlazer). Skirts should be appropriate for a range of school activities and should therefore not be excessively tight or fitted. Skirts should not be rolled up at the waist or be a disproportionate distance above the knee. 

Hijabs may be worn.


Plain (no patterns), black/navy blue/flesh coloured.


White, black or navy


Shoes should be black, smart, flat or low-heeled. Trainers should only be worn as part of the School's Sports Kit and black trainers should not be substituted for more typical, smarter school shoes. 

Hair Band/Tie:

Plain colour only.

Outdoor Coat:

Plain, dark colour.


Only school issue allowed; sports kit only to be worn in lessons with prior agreement.

School Bags:

Must be able to hold A4 size books and equipment. We recommend rucksacks.


Discreet make-up (i.e. makeup that is difficult to notice) may be worn by Middle School students and above. 

Nail Varnish:

Nail varnish is not appropriate for school below Sixth Form although discrete, natural or clear nail varnish is permissable for Middle School students. Any chipped nail varnish should be removed. Sixth Formers should adhere to their smart-casual dress code and ensure any colours maintain the high standards expected of them as role models in the School community. 


Should not impede safe work. Colour of hair below Sixth Form should be within natural range. Sixth Formers should adhere to their smart-casual dress code and ensure any colour and or style maintains the high standards expected of them as role models in the School community.

Jewellery & Earrings:

One discrete stud or hugging* loop earring  is allowed in the earlobe in Lower School. Discrete stud or hugging loop earrings are allowed in Middle School and Sixth Form; no other facial piercings are allowed throughout the school. In Middle School, a discrete earring is allowed in the ear lobe and/ or helix. Where there has been a family decision to allow multiple piercings and piercings are not in the earlobe or helix, students will be asked to wear a clear piercing retainer in their extra piercings. Discrete faith based jewellery is allowed throughout the Senior School. Discrete necklaces and bracelets are allowed in the Middle School and above. 

* For an earring to be considered a hugging loop, a gap between the ear and hoop should not be visible. Furthermore, a pendant, or similar, should not be hanging from the loop.

Senior School Sports kit

Senior school students are required to wear correct kit for all sporting activities.

On days where students have curriculum based sport, they should come to school changed in their sports kit. School sports kit must only be worn for PE lessons, fixtures and training, unless otherwise directed by the Director of Sport. If taking part in activities before or after school, that do not fall on the day of their Year Group's curriculum-based lessons, students should change back into uniform after their activity. We recommend base-layer leggings be worn by girls walking to and from Nursery Road or journeying to any PE activities or fixtures, but students can decide what they feel comfortable with. Earrings must not be worn during any sports activities, and ‘taping’ of ears is not permitted.

Sixth Form Dress code

Sixth Form students have the privilege of not wearing a uniform to school. Alongside this privilege, we ask them to remember that school is a working environment and that their choice of dress should reflect the fact that their main purpose in school is to study.

We ask students in the Sixth Form to think about the impression that they want to give to the school community and to visitors, and to take pride in their appearance. Sixth Formers are encouraged to dress in smart-casual clothes as would be applicable in the wider working world; on school occasions they will be required to wear very smart, business-like attire. They should always have in mind that they are role models for the rest of the school.

The Head of Sixth Form will have the final say as to what is appropriate in terms of dress, hair colours/styles and extremes of fashion. If a student’s appearance is not deemed smart enough, they will be asked to go home and change. Persistent infringement will result in the student's parents being informed. 

Sixth Form students taking part in school sporting activities may wear school kit or their own, as appropriate and guided by the Sports Department. Students representing the school as part of a team or individually must follow the guidance given by the Director of Sport.