Pastoral Policy

Pastoral Policy

Name of Policy

Pastoral Policy
ISI Regulation
3: Welfare, health and safety of pupils

Reviewed by

Senior Deputy Head/Assistant Head Pastoral & Inclusion


September 2023

Date of next Review

September 2024

Stepping in: we aim for every girl to feel known, supported, confident and able to shine at Wimbledon High.

Striding out: we aim for every girl to leave us prepared to shape the society in which she lives and works

This policy applies to Senior School, Junior School and EYFS

Our Pastoral GROW Programme is at the heart of everything we do and shapes the holistic education we believe in for our students. 

Staff Pastoral Responsibilities

Heads of Year

The role of the HoY is to support the Tutor, deal with issues which relate to the whole cohort, arrange consultation meetings, and deal with problems which are graver than day to day issues which tutors are expected to manage as a matter of course. They also oversee the implementation of the PSHE programme. The Heads of Year meet weekly with the Assistant Head Pastoral as a group to consider major issue and formulate policy, fortnightly as an individual to consider the welfare of particular girls within their year group, and with the PSHE Coordinator to ensure the coherence of the programme. All tutors meet their HoY weekly to contribute ideas, monitor progress and development of the year group and share ideas on management of specific issues or individuals.

The PSHE programme aims to be relevant, up-to-date, challenging and coherent. The pupil Pastoral Committee feeds in ideas as to how to ensure this is the case, and the Assistant Head Pastoral takes responsibility for working with the Heads of Year to ensure excellent provision. The PSHE programme includes sessions and advice on all aspect of the girls' welfare, including the importance of healthy eating and exercise, online safety and economic education. 

Form Tutors

The tutorial system is the chief vehicle for managing the whole academic and pastoral well-being of individual students. Tutors are expected to build up a full picture of each student in their tutor group and to act as advocates, mentors and ‘expert witnesses’ – to the SLT, HoY and all staff. They must always be fully prepared before talking to parents.

The main responsibility of the Tutor is to help students make the most of their abilities by monitoring their holistic progress and providing guidance and support. We use a 'strengths based approach' in order to help students reach their full potential. Tutors help maintain and monitor student's motivation and helping girls become reflective practitioners. R&R, as well as other tutor times, will be used to support girls in reaching their potential, finding flow and ensuring their key motivators are being met. 

Year Support Staff

All staff have a role to play in the tutorial system. Staff who are not full tutors (usually because they are part-time) are attached to year groups, usually as co-tutors, and are expected to carry out the appropriate duties, in proportion to the percentage of their teaching timetable. Responsibilities are allocated after discussion with HoY, who will allocate their Support Staff specific responsibilities, dependent on the needs of the particular year group.

School Counsellors - see Counselling Pupils Policy

School Nurses 

The nurses play a key role in supporting the girls and communicating with the pastoral team about individual girls. They will also provide support and information for staff and parents when girls have particular conditions which require previous knowledge or awareness. See Medical Policy