First Aid Policy

                    First Aid Policy

Name of Policy

First Aid Policy
ISI Regulation3: Welfare, health and safety of pupils

Reviewed by

GDST Council as proprietor; 
SMT LinkBen Turner & Natalie Abraham

Date of school review

10th November 2022

Date of next school review

November 2023

The GDST acknowledge their overall responsibility in ensuring that this policy is effective in its implementation and meets all current regulatory requirements. An annual review of this policy and associated procedures and the efficiency with which associated duties have been discharged will be undertaken so that any deficiencies or weaknesses can be remedied without delay.

Ben Turner is the member of SMT responsible for updating this policy and will present it to Trust Office annually for their review.

This policy applies to Junior School, Senior School and EYFS and should be read in conjunction with the Medical Policy and Administration of Medications Policy


Wimbledon High School aims to ensure the timely and competent administration of first aid and the effective implementation of the first aid policy. This policy promotes the health, safety and welfare of pupils and children, staff and visitors through the provision of first-aid equipment and trained personnel compliant with The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and relevant DCSF guidance.

‘First-aid’ means:

(a) in cases where a person will need help from a medical practitioner or nurse, treatment for the purpose of preserving life and minimising the consequences of injury and illness until such help is obtained, and

(b) treatment of minor injuries which would otherwise receive no treatment or which do not need treatment by a medical practitioner or nurse;

H&S (First Aid) Regulations 1981(as amended)

WHS Provision
The aim of first aid is to save lives and ensure that minor injuries and illnesses do not escalate, therefore:

  • A first aid risk assessment is regularly carried out to ascertain the needs of the school and the level of provision required. It takes into account:
  • the number of children on site
  • the location of sites and areas
  • the full range of activities undertaken by staff and pupils during the normal school day
  • the full range of activities undertaken off-site and outside normal school hours eg the school day / at weekends / and in school holidays. All First Aiders are made aware of the guidance on infection control and on the provision and use of personal protective equipment (refer to the Trust Medical Manual). 
  • All staff are made aware of arrangements via new staff induction and the Staff Handbook.
  • Parents and pupils are informed of the procedure to follow:
  • if a pupil or child is not well enough to attend school, or
  • if a pupil or child becomes ill at school and needs to go home.


  • Parents are made aware of the school’s arrangements and the procedures for informing them if their daughter has had an accident, sustained an injury or received first aid treatment at school.   NB wherever possible the parents of EYFS pupils must be informed on the same day as the incident.
  • be advised of the school’s arrangements and the procedures for informing them if their daughter receives first aid treatment at school.

Persons who witness an incident where the injured person is able to walk, should:

  • ensure the person is taken to the Medical Room and/or contact a First Aider either directly or via reception if the Nurse is unavailable
  • ensure the person is not left unattended. 
  • Persons who witness an incident where the injured person does not seem able to move, should:
  • not try to move them
  • stay with them
  • seek help from the Nurse or First Aider. 
  • If a First Aider is not available, or the situation requires urgent medical assistance, do not hesitate to call an ambulance by dialing 999 from any mobile or telephone

School Provision
As a minimum, at least one person with an approved “First Aid at Work” qualification (3-day training) is present on each separate school site when pupils or children are present (Sports fields and facilities not included)

If EYFS children are present at least one person with a current full paediatric (2 day) first aid certificate will also be present

At least one “Emergency First Aider in the Workplace” (1-day training) person is present out of normal school hours e.g. early mornings, evenings, Saturday mornings and holidays, when employees are on site.

If a First Aider is not available, or the situation requires urgent medical assistance, do not hesitate to call an ambulance by dialing 999 from any mobile or land-line telephone.

Appropriate first aid equipment and facilities are provided at appropriate locations throughout the school.

Locations of first aid kits and list of first aiders

As well as a School Nurse, an adequate number of appropriately qualified First Aiders are available including those trained in:

• Paediatric First Aid for Early Years Provision, including on trips involving EYFS

• First Aid for Lifeguards

• Sports First Aid for PE staff

• Emergency First Aid for staff accompanying pupils on school trips

• Activity First Aid / Outdoor First Aid / Rescue & Emergency for staff accompanying pupils on higher risk educational visits or visits to remote locations. Lists of First Aiders’ names, locations and contact details are prominently displayed in several school locations. These first aiders are listed below and the school is aware of the requirements to have all first aiders’ training updated every three year:

Records are maintained by the School Nurse/first aiders of all first aid treatment administered via CPOMS

All significant accidents must be reported to and recorded by the Nurse or, in the absence of the nurse, one of the trained teachers/staff listed below, on the Sphera Accident Reporting System.  Sporting accidents are recorded by PE staff on Sphera.

Staff Trained to report on Sphera:

Natalie Abraham

Hannah Till

Claire Roper

Kathryn Jones

Ruth Moore

Nick Sharman

Marcia Phillip

All PE staff

An accident that might result in a hospital visit or other medical attention, must be recorded at the time, and passed to the Nurse.

Through the use of the Trust's reporting database, Sphera, a record is maintained of all significant injuries to staff and students occurring both on and off the school premises as a result of school activities (in accordance with the Trust policy on the retention of documents or a minimum for 3 years whichever is the longer). These should be cross referenced with CPOMS where a record of minor injuries and ailments is also maintained.

Parents will be informed of serious accidents as soon as practicably possible. The Nurse will usually make contact with the parent but, in cases where the nurse is occupied with the pupil or child, the parent will be contacted by the Head of Year or deputy as appropriate or Deputy Head Pastoral as a matter of urgency.

The Nurse will forward reports to Trust and the health & safety committee, together with measures taken to prevent or reduce the risk of reoccurrence.

The Nurse will report all major injuries and 'dangerous occurrences' or 'near misses' governed by RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation) 1995, to the Health and Safety Executive on Form F2508 or other relevant form via email

The Director of Finance & Operations will action DSS requests for information relating to industrial injuries to members of staff involving more than 7 days absence from School.

First-aid and accident reporting arrangements are regularly reviewed.

First Aid Equipment and Materials

A list of the location of first aid equipment is maintained by the School Nurse and is listed above. First aid equipment is stored in approved containers in appropriate and prominent locations. Travel first aid kits are provided for visits and other off-site activities.

The School Nurse, alongside Heads of Departments, maintains records of, and regularly checks and re-stocks, all first aid equipment and containers. The School Nurse maintains a ready-to-use stock of medicines and materials.

Heads of Departments in areas where boxes are located should notify the School Nurse when supplies have been used in order that they can be restocked without delay.


Examples of emergencies which require immediate first-aid assistance include:

• Severe allergic reactions (see allergies policy linked here)

• Asthma attacks (see Chronic Illness Protocol linked here)

• Epileptic fits (see Chronic Illness Protocol linked here)

• Difficulty in breathing

• Fainting

• Hypoglycaemia in diabetics (see Chronic Illness Protocol linked here)

• Bleeding

• Breaks or sprains

• Concussion

Guidance on when to call an ambulance

The need for an ambulance will be decided in consultation with the School Nurse or Trained First Aider. In the absence of these members of staff or if unable to contact them, staff should err on the side of caution and call an ambulance for themselves if concerned, by dialing 999 from any mobile or land-line telephone. 

Administration of medicines

Only the school nurses or those who have had training by the school nurses, should distribute medicines to pupils, unless as directed for particular pupils, as part of the chronic illness protocols e.g. administering an epipen.  Nurses will record all medicines administered. Should the nurses be unavailable, there is a list of other members of staff able to administer medicines, found in our Administration of Medications policy.

Hygiene procedures for dealing with the spillage of bodily fluids (blood, faeces and vomitus)

Surfaces which have been contaminated by body fluids should be disinfected as soon as possible by a member of WHS cleaning staff by means of using:

  • Body Spill Kit for cleaners
  • RAM disinfectant for Body Fluids
  • COSHH – Evans EC4 Sanitiser

Protective gloves (nitrile) must be used when dealing with spillages of blood, vomit or any other body fluids.

Vomit may be placed in a WC but blood and other fluids must be placed inside a biological disposal bag and collected by an authorised waste disposal contractor.

Infection Control:

Certain infections are common in schools and can be spread easily, therefore schools must have an infection control policy. Simple measures can be put in place to prevent the spread of infection including

  • Encouraging routine immunisation
  • Encouraging high standards of personal hygiene and practice, particularly hand-washing
  • Maintaining a clean environment

  • Following a strict protocol for dealing with spillages of bodily fluids (vomit, faeces and blood) – 'ShapeSpillages of Body Fluids Protocol' 

  • Following a strict protocol for disposal of clinical waste and sharps

  • Ensuring pupils who are suffering infectious diseases do not return to school before the recommended exclusion period for their illness has elapsed

Useful guidance from Public Health England on all of these issues in available  is available here: 'Health Protection in Schools and Other Childcare Facilities'.

  • Parents and staff should be frequently reminded that the exclusion period, as advised by the NHS, for diarrhoea and/or vomiting is 48 hours from the last episode, to prevent the spread of infection in school.

Special arrangements 

The School Nurse will:

• initiate individual risk pupils with particular medical conditions eg use of crutches / use of wheelchair / severe asthma / severe allergies liaising with parents and other staff as necessary, and:

• ensure appropriate staff are made aware of pupils with the above conditions

• ensure relevant staff are trained to deal with such situations. Further information on the action to take in the event of anaphylaxis, asthma attacks, seizures and hypoglycaemia/hyperglycaemia can be found in the ‘Chronic Illness’ and ‘Allergy’ Protocols on Firefly.

School Practice 

All school staff are expected to use their best endeavours at all times, particularly in emergencies, to secure the safety and welfare of pupils.

A register of First Aiders is maintained to ensure that staff undertake refresher training at appropriate intervals, and new First Aiders are appointed as necessary. Copies of training certificates must be kept.

All First Aiders are covered by the Trust’s insurance against claims for negligence provided that they are suitably trained, and are carrying out their duties for the school/Trust.