Wimbledon High won 3-0 and all goals were scored by either Saamiya or Nabila.
Harper and Saamiya played midfield, Arisha and Derin played defence, Nabila played forward, and Natasha was the goalkeeper.
The ball was kept around the opponent's side majority of the time and that was where most the action was held. All in all, it was a very well-played match.
The final score was 2-0 to us, one goal was scored by Anoushka and one by Sienna
We were very good at tackling and then driving forward towards the goal.
Aria was amazing at playing mid, she dribbled round the players with ease and was then able to pass it up to players in the D.
Eva played as our goalkeeper and she performed very well making countless saves with very little training and this being her first match.
Isla also helped in defence and made some great tackles against many players.
Sienna played forward, and she was always trying to find a way to get free to help when attacking. She scored an amazing goal into the corner making it a hard one to defend.
Anoushka played defence and mid. She made some excellent tacks and continually helped us to move the ball down the pitch. She scored an air shot over the goalkeeper's boot.