Health and Safety Policy

Name of Policy

Health & Safety (Including EYFS)

ISI Regulation3: Welfare, health and safety of pupils

Reviewed by

GDST Head of Health and Safety

WHS Link

Kathryn Jones
Date of school reviewSeptember 2024

Date of next School Review

September 2025

This policy applies to Junior School, Senior School and EYFS

‘The GDST acknowledge their overall responsibility in ensuring that this policy is effective in its implementation and meets all current regulatory requirements. An annual (or as GDST decides) review of this policy and associated procedures and the efficiency with which associated duties have been discharged will be undertaken so that any deficiencies or weaknesses can be remedied without delay.’

General Statement of Policy

This policy reflects the commitment to Health & Safety by Wimbledon High School. All reasonably practicable steps will be taken to secure the health, safety & welfare of everyone legally on school premises. The school, Head and Senior Leadership Team accepts their responsibilities under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and, so far as is reasonably practicable, will provide;

  • Safe places to work, 
  • Safe plant, equipment and machinery 
  • Safe methods of using, handling, storing and transporting articles and substances
  • Adequate facilities and arrangements for the welfare of all employees and pupils
  • Safe working practices for pupils, staff and visitors to the school.

They will also provide all pupils and employees with the information, instruction, training and supervision that they require to perform tasks in a safe manner and recognise and manage risk.

The policy and related H&S Organisation / Responsibilities document are reviewed and updated on an annual basis, under the guidance of the GDST Head of H&S, and the standards of H&S are continually monitored throughout the year by school staff, GDST staff and external auditors eg School Director of Finance & Operations, GDST H&S Adviser, GDST nominated Estates Surveyor, GDST H&S Committee, third party fire safety, legionella and asbestos specialist contractors/consultants.

The school H&S policy covers relevant Early Years Foundation Stage activities.

Responsibility for updating the Health and Safety Policy lies with the Director of Finance and Operations who will present the policy to the GDST Health and Safety Adviser on an annual basis for review of its accuracy.

Arrangements to monitor, establish and review Measures needed to meet H&S standards

Procedures and arrangements for Health and Safety have been put in place to:

  • Ensure that staff receive training in Health and Safety that includes specific training for Risk Assessment.
  • Monitor and manage risk using assessment procures for activities, trips, events and other situations where there is a risk involved. Risk assessments procedures to be reviewed by the Head, Senior Leadership Team and Health and Safety Committee to control risk at the school.
  • Allow for consultation on these arrangements and procedures with employees and other stakeholders
  • Record and report accidents, incidents and near misses to staff, pupils and visitors using the GDST Sphera reporting system. This includes reporting of incidents to the HSE that are reportable under RIDDOR and regular review of incident reports to understand causes, identify trends and take appropriate action to resolve them.
  • Ensure that policy and procedures are in place for off-site visits, including residential visits and school led adventure activities.
  • Deal with Health and Safety emergencies, using a well-established and robust Business Continuity Plan  where necessary, that has been reviewed and tested regularly.
  • Ensure that First Aid is administered appropriately and that specific medical needs are supported by reference to the First Aid policy.
  • Make staff aware of the GDSTs commitment to Occupational Health and the management of work-related stress.
  • Ensure that the workplace is safe for teachers, pupils and visitors
  • Create a safe environment for staff, pupils and visitors by regularly reviewing security procedures on the site and by periodic site inspections by the Senior Leadership Team and GDST Health and Safety Advisor.
  • Set out a policy for dealing with violence to staff, linking to the school’s Behaviour Policy and Community Values and Culture
  • Minimise the risk of manual handling and provide suitable training for this.
  • Minimise slips and trips on site, by regularly reviewing the site and providing suitable training.
  • Manage working at height.
  • Ensure that vehicles are moved around the site with care to avoid accidents.
  • Manage asbestos on site, working with GDST appointed contractors, adhering to the asbestos policy and management plan.
  • Control hazardous substances on site, including storage of chemicals.
  • Select suitable contractors to work on site and manage them appropriately.
  • Manage the school estate with adequate resources and staff to ensure that the facilities are well maintained.
  • Maintain, examine and test (where necessary) plant and equipment e.g. pressure systems, gas appliances, electrical equipment, lifting equipment & exhaust ventilation equipment.
  • Manage fire safety across the site to include testing of alarms and evacuation procedures, referring to the Fire Policy.
  • Monitor and report performance and effectiveness of the policy to the Health & Safety Committee, School Governing Board and GDST Trustees and Executive Team.
  • Health and Safety Key Performance Indicators form part of the school's Annual Review, conducted by GDST.

Wimbledon High School also adheres to and is committed to the GDST Health & Safety Policy Statement, below. An Organisation Statement from the Head is also reviewed and circulated at the beginning of each academic year.

 Statement of H&S Organisation & Responsibilities

This policy applies to the whole school: senior, junior and EYFS