Lifesaving - Year 9 

by Leila D, Vera R and Chloe H

Life saving is so important because it provides us with essential life skills that we would not have learnt otherwise. This amazing opportunity has aided us with both sympathy and skill as well as enjoying ourselves along the way! A key part of life saving is communication. This is the first stage of rescue and probably the most important one. We put the skills we learnt into context and practiced them so that we would be able to apply our knowledge in real life. We learnt skills such as straddle jumping into the pool and using throwing signal to reach out to the casualty. Our favourite methods were the swim and tow as they allowed us to get involved in the situation more, mirroring a potential worst-case real-life scenario.

Sports Science - Year 9

by Keira G

PE in the school curriculum and more specifically the ‘sport science’ unit, has been extremely beneficial to all the students including myself. We gained a thorough understanding of every aspect of sport and the ways in which it can benefit our wellbeing. From the entire unit, I took away a multitude of things, from the value of recovery time to repair our muscles after vigorous exercise, to the elements of fitness. Sport science is crucial to our education because it allows us to comprehend the sports we all play on a deeper level.