Management and use of Generic Auto-injector Pens

From 1st October 2017 the Human medicines (Amendment) Regulations 2014 allows schools to buy adrenaline auto-injectors(AAI) devices, without prescription, for use in emergencies for children who are at risk of anaphylaxis but their own device is not available or not working.

The emergency AAI should only be used on children known to be at risk of anaphylaxis, for whom have their own AAI prescribed and for whom written consent has been obtained.

It remains essential that all students who have been prescribed an AAI have their own AAI kept at school in their emergency pack and senior school students should also keep one on their person at all times.  It is the parent's responsibility to ensure these pens are supplied and in date

Adrenaline Auto-injectors

There are different brands of AAI, such as Epipen, Emerade and Jext.  The school may stock different brands at different times depending on availability.  Instructions on how and when to use each brand will be stored with the pens and updates sent to staff when a brand is changed.

Emergency Adrenaline pen kits will contain the following,

1 x Adult AAI

1 x Junior AAI

Register of pupils whom are at risk of anaphylaxis and whom consent has been obtained

Instructions on how & when use the AAI